December 18, 2013
Please join me in congratulating Jorge Paredes on his promotion to Acoustics Manager.
Key responsibilities as Acoustics Manager will include working directly with our branches and customers to ensure we have the appropriate inventory mix and product offering.
Further ongoing staff training and customer support on new products and systems in conjunction with CGC and our branch representatives will be a focal point.
Jorge will be working closely with CGC on job specs, and focus on improving our acoustics business to ensure we are servicing our clientele to the highest standards
Jorge will continue to work from our CGY location both servicing previously assigned customers as well as working closely with the Executive Team and all levels of management.
I believe as a leading GSD the acoustics position services a key role and in conjunction with CGC will elevate our ability to service both our internal goals and as importantly the needs and expectations of our customers.
Jorge will officially take on the new challenge January 6th, 2014 and shortly afterwards be visiting each of our locations to get familiar with individual market requirements.
Jorge, on behalf of SDS congratulations on the promotion and thank you for the dedication to our team, customers, and vendors.
Greg Holunga, C.I.M.
Vice President of Sales
Shoemaker Drywall Supplies